Question 14
- Outline five procedures involve in the acquisition of mining titles.
- State five considerations that the holder of a mining title is supposed to bear in mind.
This question was attempted by just a few candidates and the performance of those who attempted it was poor.
The procedure for the acquisition of mining titles is
- Submission of the coordinates of the area of interest to the Mine Cadastre Office
- Confirmation of the availability of the area from the Mining Cadastre Office
- Payment of prescribed fee for the number of cadastre units
- Confirmation of the customary owners of the land
- Agreement with the host community (signing of agreement)
- Consultation with the government agency in charge of the mine title to commence processing of title deeds
- Administration of the title
- Establishment of the concession coordinates
The considerations that a possessor of a mining title is supposed to bear in mind are:
- The holder must conduct exploration activities in a safe, friendly, skilful, efficient and workmanlike manner
- Observe environmental regulations in the operations
- Be socially responsible to the community in which they operate
- Get the consent of the LGAs in which exploration is to take place
- Restore land to normalcy after exploration by filling up all shafts and ditches
- Seek approval of water resources management agencies before redirecting water courses.
- Compensate users of land for damages made to their lands
- Submit periodic reports to appropriate agencies of government as may be required
- Pay all dues to appropriate agencies of government regularly