Music Paper 1B, May/June. 2011  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 Main
General Comments











Question 4

1. – ORGAN

(1)  List any three parts of the organ console
(2)  Identify any three stops of a pipe organ
(3)(i) Mention any two Nigerian prolific organ music composer.
   (ii) Give any two organ works by the composer mentioned in(c) (i) Above

The inability ofthe candidates to list any three parts of the organ console, Identify any three stops of a pipe organ, among others, denied them of the marks allotted to question 4. They do not know the difference between console and casework. Console is the custodian of the keyboard, pedal, stops, couplers, switchboard, reading board, e.t.c. while casework houses the pipe, blower, bellow, wind-chest e.t.c.
(b) Stops can be speaking or non-speaking. They are knobs/devices Used to generate sound from the organ (e.g. Bourdon, Flute, Reed, Possaune, Diapason, Tremolo, Octave stops, Guplets.


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