Music Paper 3B Nov/Dec 2015

Question 4 - ORGAN

  1. (a) Mention any four parts of a pipe organ that are within the reach and manipulation of an organist.
    (b)              Identify the two types of pipes on the organ.
    (c)              From the list of pipe organ components below, select four that are organ stops:

                            Open Diapason, 81 Tromba, Principal, Swell box, double manual, Bourdon,  Piston, Wind chest.


The question was unpopular among the candidates and candidates’ responses to this question were poor, and this robbed them substantial marks. Candidates’ performance was below average. The following points should have been highlighted in their responses:
(a)        Manuals, Stops, Pistons, Pedals, Swellbox, Bookrest, Crescendo Pedal, Keys.       

(b)        Flue pipes and Reed pipes, Wooden Pipes, Metal Pipes

      (c)      Open Diapason, 8’ Tromba, Principal, Bourdon