Physical Education 1 , Nov/Dec 2010  
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Question 6


Study the diagram below and use it 10 answer questions 6(a) and 6(b).

(a)(i) Identify the facility above. [1 mark]
( ii)Name the parts labelled I to IV. [4 marks]

             (b)      Mention five skills of the game played on the facility above.     [5 marks]
             (c)       State the scores of each of the following points in a tennis game
                         (i)        first point;
                         (ii)       second point;
                         (iii)      third point;
                         (iv)      fifth point                                                                        [4 marks]

     (d)       Explain each of the following terms as used in tennis game.
                (i)        foot fault;
                (ii)       service fault;
                (iii)      base line. [6 marks]


This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was fair. In part (a) (i) candidates correctly identified table tennis, in (a) (ii) candidates also correctly named the parts labelled I to IV. In part (b) candidates correctly mentioned skill ofthe game played on the table tennis. In part (c), candidates could not correctly state the scores of the following points in a tennis game: (i) first point; (ii) second point; (iii) third point; (iv) fifth point. In part (d), candidates could not correctly explain (i) foot fault; (ii) service fault; (iii) baseline as terms used in tennis game.

The expected answers were as follows:
6. (a)(i) Facility
- table tennis table
(ii) Naming the parts labelled
               I . centre line
               II net
                III          side line
                 IV           stand/leg
(b) Skills of the game played on the facility
- grip
- service
- half volley
- the chop/cut
- lob
- drop shot
- smash
- forehand
- shake hand/tennis grip
( c) Scoring of each of the following points
             (i)            15
             (ii)           30
             (iii)        - 40
              (v)            game
       (d)    Explaining terms in tennis
(i) Foot fault:
This occurs when server steps on the base line during service.
(ii) Service fault:
This is a ball that is not properly served/explained.
(iii) Base line:
The line at one end of the court/width of court.


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