Physical Education 1 , Nov/Dec 2010  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Main
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Question 9

(a)       List six gymnastic activities which could be performed without apparatus. [6 marks]
(b)      Mention the type of take-off a gymnast would use to perform each of the following gymnastics activities:
           (i)        somersault;
            (ii)       cartwheel;
            (iii)     through vault;
            (iv)      thief vault. [4 marks ]
(c)           State four similarities between astride vault and thief vault in gymnmrtic. [4 marks ]

(d)      Describe the progression involved in performing front somersault in gymnastics:    [6 marks]


This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was poor. In part (a). candidates correctly listed gymnastic activities which could be performed without apparatus.
In part (b) candidates could not correctly mention the type of take-off a gymnast would use to perfonn the fo\lowing gymnastic activities: (i) somersault, (ii) cartwheel (iii) through vault; (iv) thief vault. In part (c), candidates could not correctly state similarities between astride vault and thief vault in gymnastics. In part (d) candidates could not correctly describe the progressioninvolved in performing front somersault in gymnastic.
The expected answers were as follows:
9(a) Gymnastic activities which could be erformed without a aratus
- forward roll
- backward roll
- cartwheel
- headstand
- handstand
- somersault
- headspring
- Arab spring
- fly spring
- neck spring
- back spring
- flip flap
hand spring
(b) Types of take-off a gymnast use to perform each of the following gymnastic Activities
(i) Double
(ii) Single
(iii) Double
(iv) Single.

(c) Similarities between astride vault and thief vault in gymnastics
- both involve the use of equipment
- both involve approach run
- both involve take-off
- both involve clearance
- both involve landing
- both involve recovery
- both are performed individually/individual activity.
   (d)    Description of progression involved in performing front somersault in gymnastics
- performer makes a short run/gathers momentum
- pushes forcefully against the ground with both feet/double take-off
- curls the body/tucks in the head
- makes a complete rotation/360°
- lands on both feet/explained
- recovers looking forward/explained


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