Physics Paper 3A Nov/Dec 2015

Candidates Weakness

Some of the candidates were unable to:

  • take correct measurements using the protractor;
  • convert the measured raw values to actual values using the given scale;
  • round up evaluated values to the required number of decimal places (d.p);
  • chose reasonable scales for graphs involving small slope;
  • correctly evaluate slope;
  • attach their traces as required in question 2;
  • respond correctly to questions on theory of the experiments.


The suggested remedies were as follows:

  • Schools should sponsor their teachers to attend WAEC main coordination and marking exercise to learn the rudiments for answering practical questions.
  • Schools should employ qualified and experience Physics teachers.
  • Teachers should put in more effort in training of candidates in the art of reporting experiments in Physics.
  • Candidates should be more studious.
  • Candidates should be exposed early enough to the rudiments of practical works
  • Candidates should attend tutorial classes where competent Physics teachers are available.