Store Management WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 2


(a) What is oral communication?

(b) State four barriers to effective communication.

(c) Explain the following terms:

(i)Internal communication;


(iii)Electronic communication.




    1. Candidates’ performance was impressive. Most of the candidates were able to answer both parts of (b and c).
    2. Oral communication is the exchange of ideas and information through spoken words either in the form of face-to-face interaction or over an electronic device.

    (b) Barriers to effective communication

    (i)Lack of interest in the message;

    (ii)Misunderstanding of the message;

    (iii)Distrust between the sender and the receiver of the message;

    (iv)Giving too much information at a time;

    (v)Physical interference in the communication process such as noise;

    (vi)Use of wrong medium;

    (vii)The use of jargons;

    (viii)Physical disabilities such as speech difficulties or hearing problems;

    (ix)Differences in viewpoint and perception;

    (x)Languages differences;

    (xi)Expectation and prejudices of the sender and receiver;

    (xii)Cultural differences.

        (c)    Explanation of terms

    (i)Internal communication: This is the process by which messages and information are transferred within an organization.                                        

    (ii)Feedback: This is the response of a receiver to a sender’s message which enables the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the message.             

    (iii)Electronic communication: This is the transfer of information through an electronic medium.