Technical Drawing 3, WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 4


Fig. 2 shows the sketch plan of a four-bedroom bungalow.  Study the sketch with the given specifications and answer the questions that follow




Most of the candidates answered this question and their performance was good. However, a few of them could not satisfactorily draw the sectional view along X-X.
The solution and the requirement for the poorly answered part of the question is given below.



(b)   SECTION X – X



MAJOR REQUIRMENTS FOR DRAWING THE SECTIONED PLANE                                            
-     Drawing to correct scale 1:50       
-     Drawing the ground line                
-     For drawing 4 foundation footings with convention                                          
-     Drawing the earth filling with convention          
-     Drawing hard core with convention         
-     Drawing the concrete slab with convention                    
-     Drawing the floor finish                 
-     Drawing 4 walls in section with convention                   
-     Drawing 4 foundation walls in section with convention           
-     Drawing the pitch roof       
-     Drawing the ceiling and nogging  
-     Drawing 2 doors in section and 3 in elevation                            
-     Drawing 2 beams                
-     Drawing 2 lintels                 
-     Writing sectional view X – X        
-     Neatness and quality of lines         
