This was a question on drawing the cycloid of a circle, it requires the candidates to locate the different position of the point P on the circle as it rolls along the horizontal line.
Most candidates did not attempt this question, few that attempted it showed weakness in the following areas:
- tracing the different positions of the circle;
- locating the different positions of the point P;
- drawing the curve;
- drawing the tangent;
- constructing the perpendicular at point P.
Candidates were expected to do the following:
(i) draw the given circle Ø30 and divide it into 12 equal parts;
(ii) draw line AB equal to the circumference and divide in into 12 equal parts;
- draw vertical lines through the points on line AB;
- draw horizontal lines through the points on the circumference of the circle;
- use the rolling circle to locate various positions of point P;
- join the points into a smooth curve.
- locate point of tangency at three-quarter turn;
- join P to point 9;
- construct perpendicular at point P (Tangent);
- draw the tangent in outline;
The solution is shown below: