Tourism Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Candidates' Weakness


The obvious weaknesses of the candidates were in the construction of sentences, punctuation, spelling, use of tenses, and poor presentation of answers. Also, in questions 14(b), (c) which had to do with tourism business and 15(b), (c), which had to do with some tourism organization in Nigeria; candidates that attempted the questions scored below average. It clearly shows that most of the candidates had little knowledge of tourism business and tourism organization in Nigeria.


I.        Where explanation, highlighting, outlining, description or stating are required in the question, it is expected that the candidates give meaningful                            explanation in order to secure full marks.
II.        Complete coverage of the syllabus                
It is expected that candidates fully cover the content of the examination syllabus before the start of the examination.  This will put them in a better position to attempt all necessary questions.
III.       Good expression
It is expected that the candidates express themselves well in good English.  This could be mastered through the reading of English textbooks and other literatures.