Visual Art Paper 3A (Drawing) WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 1



Place an opened umbrella against the wall close to a good source of light. Let the handle sit on the floor. Draw object as placed.




Candidates’ performance in this question was impressive. Though, the question was attempted by many candidates. The important part of the question was the representation of an opened umbrella on the floor and at the same time against the wall. Which a few did with such dexterity. They were expected to respond to the question thus:
1.         DRAWING QUALITY                 

In drawing quality, accurate representation of composed objects, correct perspective and good line quality should be observed.

(a)       Drawing of an opened umbrella.                                                                 
(b)       Drawing of the opened umbrella against the wall   .                                                                                                                 
(c)       Drawing of the umbrella seated on the floor.                                             
2.         TONE/COLOUR                            
(a)       Effective use of tone to depict the form of the object.                              
(b)       Ability to indicate the source of light on the object.                                  
(c)       Ability to use tone to show contrast in relation to the object and
its surrounding.

3.         COMPOSITION                            
(a)       Centrality of the object on the paper.                                                          
(b)       Balanced relationship of the object.                                                            
(c)       Proper use of working space i.e. (drawing not too small or too big
for the available space).                                                                               

(d)       Indication of baseline and background of the object.                                
4.         ORIGINALITY                              
(a)       Showing effective drawing skill and personalized style.                          
(b)       Showing effective use of art materials (colour, pencil, pen and ink).