Visual Art Paper 3A (Drawing) Aug./Sept. 2021




On a low draped table placed against a wall, place a full sized coconut without its husk with its three pores facing up. Place another half cut coconut in front slightly to the right of the viewer with its hollow facing up. Place another quarter cut with its back on the half cut to the left of the viewer.
Draw as composed.




The question was well attempted by the candidates. The candidates’ performance for this question was average. They were expected to respond to the question thus:
1.         DRAWING QUALITY                 

(a) Effective drawing of a low draped table against a wall.                                       

(b) Accurate drawing of a full-sized coconut without its husk with its three

pores facing up.                                                                                                        

(c) Accurate drawing of a half- cut coconut in front slightly to the right of

the viewer with its hollow facing up.                                                                     

(d) Accurate drawing of a quarter-cut coconut with its back on the half cut

to the left of the viewer.                                                                                          
2.         TONE/COLOUR                            

Ability to use tone or colour to:                  
(a)       depict the correct forms of the coconuts.                                                               
(b)       show the correct source of light on the various coconuts.                                    
(c)       create the correct feeling in the composition.                                                        

3.         COMPOSITION                            

(a)       Centrality of the drawing on the paper to create a good image.                           
(b)       Proportional relationship of the various coconuts on the low table.                    
(c)       Use of working space to advantage (the various coconuts drawn not too
small or too big).                                                                              
(d)       Indication of appropriate background and baseline.                                              

4.         ORIGINALITY                              
(a)       Showing effective drawing skill and personalized style in the drawing.             
(b)       Showing effective use of art materials (colour, pencil, pen, charcoal and ink).