Biology Paper 2,May/June 2011.  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Main
General Comments

Question 2

(a)           Make a diagram, ~-l 0 em long to show the relative position of the following organs
in the mammalian gut:
              (i)         stomach;
              (ii)          pancreas;
              (iii)         liver;
              (iv)         gall bladder;
              (v)          duodenum; and label fully.

(b)( i) List two diseases of the liver.
(ii)State five effects of the diseases in 2(b)(i) on the human body. 
( c)         State the deficiency symptoms of the following vitamins:
                             (i)           vitamin A                                              [10 marks]

                             (ii)          vitamin C;                                         [3 marks]
                             (iii)         vitamin K.                                         [7 marks]

This was another popular question in this section and the marks scored by the candidates were fair.
Most candidates drew the whole digestive system rather than the requested organs, despite that, alot of candidates scored good marks on the diagrams. Some candidates however omitted to give a
title to the diagram, did not conform to size specifications and lost marks due to wrong spelling of labels.




The expected answers include:

Diagram showing some organs of mammalian out Title (T) x 1 = x 1 = 1

Ouality (0)
Size (Sz) 8 - 10 em x 1
Neatness oflabels (NL) x 1
Clarity of lines (CL) x 1

Pouch like stomach (PS)
Pancreas in the loop of duodenum (PD)
Gall bladder closely associated with liver (GL)
Labels (L)
Stomach, pancreas, liver, duodenum, gall
bladder, bile duct, Qancreas.t~c duct, oesophagus.
bile duct, pan.








In listing the diseases of the liver, effects of the diseases on the liver and deficiency symptom of vitamins A, C and K, most candidates could correctly state diseases of the liver and the deficiency symptoms of the named vitamins. A few candidates however lost marks due to wrong spellings of the disease. Many candidates could not state the effects of diseases in the liver. The expected answers include:

    Effect of liver diseases on humans
    Weaknesses and tiredness;
    Jaundice/yellowish eye/skin;
    Slight fever;
    Oedema/swollen abdomen/accumulation of fluid in the abdomen;
    High blood pressure;
    Loss of weight;
    Abdominal pain;
    Loss of appetite;


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