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Economics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2008  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Main
General Comments

Candidates' weakness

The following were some of the candidates’ weaknesses:

- failure to expatiate the points listed;
- poor knowledge of technique of plotting graphs;
- poor power of expression in English language;
- poor knowledge of terminologies peculiar to Economics;
- failure to understand the demands of some of the questions;
- adoption of wrong approach to answering questions.

The above listed shortcomings could be ameliorated if

- the candidates are taught by their teachers, the need to expatiate their points
- qualified teachers are employed in schools to teach the students all the necessary concepts and techniques they should know.
- the candidates are advised to spend the first few minutes of their time studying the questions.
- the candidates are exposed to reading textbooks, newspapers, journals, magazines, etc with a view to improving their written and spoken English.

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