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Geography Paper 2, May/June 2009  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Main
General Comments


Poor map drawing and labelling: 

Many candidates could not draw good maps of Nigeria, West Africa and Africa as required.  Some drew  the map of Africa where they were required to draw  the map of West Africa.  Apart from the shapes of the maps been poorly represented, the keys for the interpretation of features on the maps were wrongly matched.

Much effort should be put into the practice of map drawing and proper representation during the teaching and learning process and during preparations for the examination since map drawing and labeling are compulsory aspects of the Geography curriculum.

Inadequate preparation for the Examination:

Many candidates did not prepare adequately for the examination and this led to poor performance. The candidates could perform better if they  imbibe a good reading culture as there is no substitute to good study life.  The syllabus should be covered before the commencement of the examination and this can be achieved if the candidates will devote extra time to personal study to complement the classroom teaching effort.

Inadequate Explanation of Points:

Many candidates merely listed the points without explanation.  This made them to loose precious marks. Candidates could do better if they explain every point as mere listing cannot attract full marks.

Poor Grammatical Expression:

Some of the candidates had poor command of English as evidenced by poor expression in their papers. Candidates are expected to express their points in simple but correct English.  This skill could be acquired by candidates if they are in the habit of reading books, newspapers, magazines and are involved in either listening or partaking in public speech like debate, literary club activities and drama.

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