Geography Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 1

Study the map extract provided on a scale of 1:50,000 and answer the questions that follow:

  1.    Draw the outline of the area enclosed by ABCD to a new scale of 1:25,000.
  2.    In your outline insert and name:
    1. The minor road from north-west to Egede Junction;
    2. 1050ft contour line;
    3. The plantation.
  3.    Describe three characteristics of River Iyoko.
  4. Using evidence from the map, state four reasons for which Egede is an important settlement.

This compulsory question was attempted by almost all the candidates and their performance in the question was average. While most of the candidates were able to enlarge the map correctly, some of them could not insert the required features into the right places. Many of those who answered the question were able to specify while Egede is an important settlement but some could not describe the characteristics of River Iyoke. Perfection in map reading can only be mastered through constant practice. The characteristics of River Iyoke are:
-           flows to the east
            -           takes its source from the central part of the mapped area
            -           it is at its youthful /torrent/upper stage
            -           gradient is steep near sources
            -           has many tributaries
            -           has sand dunes at its bank
-           it is dendritic in pattern
            -           it has some areas liable to flooding
            -           some tributaries have braided channels
            -           valleys are narrow
            -           valleys are v-shaped