Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021



Question 5


  1. Recount the events that took place after Herod Agrippa I killed James.
  2. State three factors that motivate Christians to pray.




This was a less popular question and many candidates tried avoiding it. However, those who attempted it performed greatly in both parts. Candidates were familiar with the storyline of how Peter miraculously escaped from prison through the aid of an angel. For those who missed out on what was expected to be written, the points needed to be highlighted are;


    1. In his determination to persecute the Church, Herod laid violent hands on some members
    2. He killed James, the brother of John.
    3. This act pleased the Jews.
    4. Herod, who wanted to please the Jews more, arrested Peter and intended to kill him after the Passover.
    5. Whilst in prison, Peter was chained and being guarded by four groups of soldiers so that he would not escape.
    6. The brethren met in the house of Mary the mother of the disciple called John Mark to pray for Peter’s safety.
    7. The night prior to the day he was to be killed, an angel of the Lord appeared to Peter and woke him up.
    8. Instantly, the chains on him fell off and the angel ordered him to dress up and follow him.
    9. Peter obeyed and followed the angel through the first two sentries till they got to the Iron Gate leading into the city.
    10. The Iron Gate opened on its own accord and the angel and Peter went through.
    11. When they got into the street, the angel vanished and Peter came to the realization that an angel of the Lord came to rescue him from the hands of Herod.
    12. Peter immediately went to the house of Mary where the brethren had gathered praying.
    13. When Peter knocked the gate, a maid called Rhoda answered and told the brethren Peter was at the door.
    14. The brethren told her that she was mad.
    15. She insisted that it was Peter and they concluded that it might be Peter’s angel
    16. Finally, the gate was opened and Peter narrated to them how the Lord had miraculously set him free from prison



  1. It makes it possible for one to be given responsibilities.
  2. One becomes reliable.
  3. It makes one trustworthy.
  4. It makes one gain respect.
  5. It promotes cordial relationships.