Health Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 1

(a)  Describe briefly protein test using Millon’s reagent.   [4 marks]
(b) State three functions of Calcium to humans.    [3 marks]




This question was attempted by majority of the candidates and their performance was fairly above average. However, many of them gave wrong answers. In 1(a), many wrote that an egg should be cracked and put in a bowl. If a toothpick is inserted into the yoke and it penetrates, it indicates protein. In 1(b) some candidates wrongly wrote that functions of calcium includes building the brain and lowering blood cholesterol.

The expected answers are as follows:

(a)Description of protein test using Millon’s reagent

  • Put a small portion of Protein in a test tube
  • add Millon’s reagent to the solution of protein
  • heat the solution
  • a deep red/brown colour or precipitate appears                      

(b)Functions of calcium to humans
- for healthy growth of teeth
- for healthy growth of bones
- for muscle contraction
- for proper functioning of the nerves
- for proper functioning of the heart
- for blood clotting/iron metabolism
- repair of broken bones/teeth