This was not a popular question among the candidates as the few of them that attempted
it misfired and hereby scored low marks. They were unable to mention the main features
\ 11' the new Covenant and they confused it with Goer s Covenant with Abraham. Some of
ihe answers they could have mentioned arc: (i) The new Covenant would be different
irorn the one made with their fathers on Mount Sinai (ii) They broke the Old Covenant
I)J] their way to the promise land. (iii) God would put] Tis law within them and would
write it upon their hearts (iv) Ill' said he would be their God and they would be I lis
,kOple (v) God would cleanse them from all their idols.
The 'b' part or the question proved a hard nut to crack as they could not give the
implications ofthe Covenant among which are: 0) Christians must keep God's law
(ii ) God is very forgiving (iii ) The new Covenant offers a unique personal relationship
with God.
In general their performance in this question was very poor.