Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 Nov/Dec 2015

Question 7

Acts 2:1 – 13

  1. Events that took place on the day of Pentecost before Peter’s address.                   
  2. Ways in which the Holy Spirit works among Christians today.


This question was popular as many candidates that attempted it. Majority of those who attempted it performed above average.  They were able to outline the events that led to Peter’s speech. They started their narration with the ascension and how the disciples gathered together in the upper room praying. Thereafter, what seemed to be a tongue of fire descended on them and they spoke in tongues. This incident led to apostles being labeled as drunkard by the people around them. It was this incident that prompted Peter to rise up and gave his speech in defense of the activities of the apostles. However, some candidates missed the demands of the question and wrote about the Passover story.