Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 Nov/Dec 2021

Question 6


(A) Highlight how the spirit of unity and oneness prevailed in the early church
(B) Identify three factors that hinder unity in the community.



This question was straightforward and it attracted many candidates. The strength of candidates who answered this question was in been able to talk about the communal living and fellowship in the early church. Candidates were expected to understand how the pouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost made the apostles bold thereby gathering the faithful together to worship and live in one accord. The characteristics of oneness that was prominent in the early church is outlined below;

    A. How the spirit of unity and oneness prevailed in the early church. (Acts 2:41-47; 4:32-37; 5: 1-11; 6: 2-6)
  1. After the disciples had the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Peter spoke to a crowd about Christ and the membership of the church rose to three thousand.
  2. The life of the early church was characterized by a strong bond of fellowship.
  3. The brethren were of one heart and soul.
  4. They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching as a fellowship.
  5. The togetherness of the church was exhibited in the practice of joint ownership of property.
  6. In view of that, the rich sold their property and gave out the proceeds to be shared among the needy.
  7. Notable among those who sold their properties was Joseph Barnabas.
  8. Ananias and Saphira also sold their property to assist the needy in the church.
  9. However, the couple dishonestly kept part of the proceeds, which led to their death.
  10. The brethren also devoted themselves to breaking of bread from house to house.
  11. They also prayed together.
  12. Threats to the unity of the church were promptly addressed.
  13. Capable and righteous members were identified and assigned duties.

B.        Factors that hinder unity in the community
i.          When brethren have strong partisan differences
ii.         When there are deep tribal sentiments among people in the community.
iii.        When the poor in the community are looked down upon.
iv.        When the rich are given undue recognition and appointments even though
they are not qualified.
v.         Discrimination/favouritism/Nepotism etc.