Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 Nov/Dec 2021

Question 9


(A) According to Peter, what are the responsibilities of a good citizen?
(B) In what three ways are citizens in your society irresponsible today?



This question was less popular among the candidates. In the A part, most candidates answered this question from their own sociological perspective by preaching and giving sermons rather than answering the questions as outlined by Peter. The B part was better answered by the candidates in that they were able to identify ways citizens acts irresponsible to the home and the society at large. In both parts, Candidates were required to state that:

    Responsibilities of a good citizen as stated by Peter (1 Peter 2: 13-17)
  1. According to Peter, a good citizen is the one who gives due respect to every human authority for the sake of Christ.
  2. This man-made institution could be self-imposed, elected or delegated.
  3. Peter states that Jesus instituted human authorities to punish wrong doers and reward those who do right.
  4. He says when a Christian who is a good citizen does the right thing, he puts to shame the ignorance of foolish men.
  5. Peter further states that Christians who are good citizens should live as free men but must not use their freedom as a pretext for doing evil.
  6. Instead, they should live as servants of God.
  7. Peter admonished believers to honour all men.
  8. They should also love the brotherhood or neighbours and those in need.
  9. Peter also encouraged Christians to fear God and keep his commandments.
  10. Peter says that at any point in time, responsible Christian should honour and respect everyone in authority.
  11. Finally, Peter admonished Christians to honour the king or emperor.
    Ways in which some citizens are irresponsible in the society today
  1. Not paying taxes and bills promptly.
  2. Not abiding by the laws of the land.
  3. Destroying state property.
  4. Showing apathy at the work place.
  5. Using dubious means to make quick money.
  6. Littering
  7. Indulging in bribery and corruption.
  8. Not obeying road regulations.