Civic Education Paper 2 Aug./Sept. 2018



Question 9


Explain five ways through which leaders can protect the interest of their followers



This question was not popular as most candidates avoided it. A greater percentage of candidates’ performance to this question was average. Most candidates completely misunderstood this question and failed to realize it has to do with ways effective government’s effort can help in preventing apathy. Expected points candidates should have highlighted are:

  1. Good governance in the society.
  2. Ensuring security of lives and property.
  3. Involving them in the process of decision making.
  4. Building strong democratic institutions.
  5. Promoting education of the followers/citizens.
  6. Providing measures for the safety of followers.
  7. Promoting good relationship with neighbours.
  8. Providing the basic needs for the survival of the followers e.g. employment/shelter/poverty eradication etc.
  9. Promoting consensus building in governance.
  10. Encouraging popular participation.