Civic Education Paper 2 Aug./Sept. 2020

Question 3


(a)Highlight three importance of inter-communal relationship
(b) Recommend three skills that can be used in resolving a rift between opposing communities.



This was a popular question. Majority of the candidates who attempted it demonstrated good mastery of the subject matter. They understood the demands of the question. They performed creditably well and scored high marks in it. They easily related this question to their every day experiences as individuals living and interacting in the society. They were also able to identify reasons that can cause a rift between individuals as well as ways of resolving such rifts.


Additional points candidates should have listed are

A. Importance of inter-communal relationship


  • It promotes societal development e.g political, economic, cultural, etc.
  • It promotes equitable distribution of societal resources.
  • It enhances security of lives and property.
  • It ensures the maintenance of law and order/stability in society.
  • It promotes a conducive environment for business and other socio-economic activities.
  • It promotes good neighbourliness/peaceful co-existence.
  • It promotes peaceful resolution of conflicts.

B. Skills that can be used in resolving a rift between opposing communities

  • Dialogue: It is a process of bringing two or more groups in disputes into talking terms to resolve issuesdisputes.
  • Mediation: It is a process in which a third party initiates settlement of the dispute(s) in question among parties or their representatives.
  • Compromise It is a process of facilitating the shifting of grounds on issue(s) in dispute between or among parties.
  • Conciliation: It is the process of bringing parties in dispute(s)/issue(s) to accept mutually agreeable positions of misdeeds and commitments to newly proffered solutions to the dispute(s) in question.
  • Compensation: It is the act of agreeing to pay or make up for damages inflicted or caused by parties in disputes to guarantee lasting peace between or among them.