Civic Education Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2023


Question 7


(a) Highlight three principles of the rule of law.  


(b) Explain three ways the rule of law protects individuals against the excesses
of the government.



Candidates’ performance in this question was not commendable. Majority of the candidates attempted this question and those who attempted it did not do justice to the topic. On average, the performances of candidates were poor. Points candidates were to take note of are


(a)        Principles of the rule of law

  1. The supremacy of the law
  2. Equality before the law
  3. Fundamental human rights


(b)       Ways the rule of law protects individuals against the excesses of government

  1. By ensuring compliance of government with the provision of the constitution
  2. By ensuring that the judiciary is impartial, independent and unbiased
  3. By ensuring fair hearing through the exercise of the right of appeal
  4. By checking abuse of power
  5. By curtailing arbitrary use of discretionary powers by judicial officials
  6. By guaranteeing respect for the fundamental human rights of the citizens
  7. By providing means/arrangement for reclaiming violated human rights
  8. By outlawing the enactment of retroactive laws
  9. By outlawing the jurisdiction of special/incompetent court in litigations.