Clothing and Textiles 2, WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 1


The candidates were required to:
1 (a). Differentiate between the following terms as used in clothing construction:
  (i)  stay stitching and understitching;
     (ii) edge stitching and topstitching.
1(b) State two qualities each of the following processes.

  1. facing
  2. binding

1(c) State three reasons for binding the armhole of a child’s dress.
In 1(a) (i) Stay stitching and understitching could not be differentiated by the candidates. They were expected to write stay stitching as is a row of machine stitches worked on the raw edge of curved or straight edge to prevent stitching. While under stitching as a row of machine stitches worked on a facing to make it lie flat
(ii) Edge stitching and topstitching was well differentiated by many candidates.
Qualities of facing and binding were mixed up by the candidates because they could not differentiate between binding and facing. they were expected to give answers like facing should lie flat, appear on only one side, should not roll over etc .While binding  should be smooth, raw edges should  be concealed and bind should appear on both side.
Many candidates responded correctly to reasons for binding the armhole of a child’s dress in 1(c)