Question 5
They were required to:
(a) State one importance of studying clothing and textiles in school.
(b) State one role each of the following clothing and textiles professionals;
i. interior decorator;
ii. pattern maker
iii. milliner;
iv. fashion designer;
v. haberdasher
(c) Mary would like to set up a clothing enterprise after studying clothing and textiles in school.
i. State four factors to be considered in setting up the enterprise.
ii. State three advantages of owning an enterprise.
Many candidates attempted this question and were able to answer the part “a” and “c’ very well, but some performed poorly in the ‘b” part. The expected answers for “b” are
The expected answers are
Illustration of how to sew on a flat button using two diagrams
• Mark position of button and make a few backstitches in the position indicated.
• Bring the needle through a hole in the button and hold a matchstick/pin across the button. Place the needle into the second hole to the wrong side of work.
• With matchstick in place, continue stitching through the button until it is strongly sewn. Remove the matchstick.
• Wind thread tightly round the threads beneath the button to form a shank. Fasten off securely and neaten.