Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B, WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 6



  1. State four ways of maintaining planked canoes.     [4 marks]
  2. State two solutions to each of the following problems facing aquaculture:
    1. few aquaculture specialists;
    2. high cost of fish feed;
    3. difficulty in land acquisition.        [6 marks]
  3. Name four harmful fishing practices.      [4 marks]
  4. State four ways of preventing harmful fishing practices.        [4 marks]
  5. State two ways of correcting oxygen depletion in a fish pond.      [2 marks]




In part (a), some candidates provided answers for maintaining tools instead of planked canoes.

In part (b), majority of the candidates stated two solutions to the listed problems facing aquaculture.

In part (c), majority of the candidates could not correctly name four harmful fishing practices.

In part (d), only few of the candidates could state four ways of preventing harmful fishing practices.

In part (e), majority of the candidates could not state two ways of correcting oxygen depletion in a fish pond.


The expected answers include:

(a)       Ways of maintaining planked canoes

-           replace damaged parts / planks
-           caulking / putting non-absorbent material between planks
-           puttying
-           painting
-           keep dry when not in use
-           keep inner part of canoe dry / regular bailing of water

(b)       Solution to problems facing aquaculture

            (i)        Few aquaculture specialists
-           awareness creation in schools on the need for aquaculture specialist
-           establishment of  more fishery schools and vocational centres
-           employment of trained fishery graduates to make aquaculture attractive
-           provision of adequate instructional material
-           provision of scholarships and other incentives
-           internship programmes for fishery students

(ii)       High cost of fish feed
-           encourage competition among producers
-           provision of feed subsides
-           encourage use of locally sourced ingredients
-           use of non-conventional feed ingredients
-           encourage bulk production of fish feed
-           provision of adequate storage facilities
-           ensuring proper distribution

(iii)      Difficulty in land acquisition

-           creation of land banks for fisheries
-           encourage people to use marginal lands
-           establish fish farm village / farm concept / settlement farms
-           land owners should be encouraged to lease out lands
-           encourage the use of movable culture facilities
-           provide loans to acquire land

(c)       Harmful fishing practices

-           use of poisons/ chemical to catch fish
-           electrofishing
-           use of bottom trawl in coastal waters
-           use of explosives
-           use of wounding gear
-           use of net with small mesh size
-           setting of nets across water bodies
-           use of bamboo traps
-           light fishing

(d)       Ways of preventing harmful fishing practices

-           educating people to let them know the effects on water bodies
-           banning of use of harmful equipment to harvest fish
-           proper monitoring of water bodies to prevent bad practices / patrols
-           punishing of offenders
-           placing sanctions on defaulters
-           enforcement of fisheries regulations

(e)       Ways of correcting oxygen depletion in a fish pond

-           allow fresh water into the pond through the inlet
-           use aerator to aerate the pond
-           pump water from one side of the pond to another
-           stir water with a plank or paddle
-           use water fountain process to aerate the pond

 -           introduce ducks to swim in the pond