Further Mathematics Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Candidates' Weakness


The Chief Examiner observed that the candidates showed weaknesses in the          following areas:

  1.   Inverse function
  2.   Use of substitution method in solving Integration
  3.   Binomial Probability
  4.   Relating Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) to Geometric Progression (G.P.)
  5.   Vectors Resolution of forces
  6.   Inability to identify the principle or concepts to be used in solving a problem
  7.   Adherence to the rubrics of questions
  8.   Poor interpretation of questions 
  9.   Construction of Histogram with unequal class interval
  10.   Internal and External Division of Lines
  11.   Application of logarithms



The Chief Examiner suggested that to overcome the challenges stated, the following remedies should be considered:

  1.   Qualified Further Mathematics teachers should be employed to teach the


  1.   School Proprietors  and Government should organize seminars and workshops

to improve the teaching of the subject.

  1.   Candidates should be encouraged to read questions carefully and understand

their requirements before attempting them.

  1.   Teachers and candidates are encouraged to cover the syllabus while preparing

for examination so as to enhance performance.

  1.   Teachers should endeavour to use interactive method while teaching in the
