Government 2, WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 7


(a)     What is political leadership?

(b)     Identify four qualities of a good leader.


This question was very simple and straightforward which led to many candidates attempting it and scoring high marks. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers in order to score good marks.

It is the capacity/ability to guide, control and inspire the activities of others towards the attainment of the goals in a state.


  1. Must be visionary
  2. Must be fair, firm and decisive
  3. Must be approachable/accessible
  4. Must lead by example
  5. Must have integrity
  6. Must be knowledgeable
  7. Must have the ability to inspire others
  8. Must empathize with others
  9. Must have good sense of judgement
  10. Must be able to build team spirit
  11. Must have good communication skills
  12. Must be innovative
  13. Accept responsibility for his/her actions
  14. Should have emotional intelligence
  15. Must be diplomatic