Health Education Paper 3 WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2019

Question 2


    The diagram below illustrates an organ in humans. Study it and answer questions 2 (a) to (c).


      1. Identify the organ illustrated in the diagram. [1 marks]
      2. Name two blood vessels associated with the organ. [2 marks]
      3. Mention the system that would be affected if the illustrated organ was impaired. [1 marks]
    1. Name two diseases that could affect the illustrated organ.[2 marks]
      1. State two harmful habits to the organ illustrated.[2 marks]
      2. State two habits that could make the organ in the illustrated diagram healthy.[2 marks]



Some candidates could not name the blood vessels associated with the organ. Majority could also not mention the system that would be affected if the organ is impaired. A few candidates could name the diseases associated with the organ.

The expected answers are:

    1. Identification of the organ
      Heart/the human heart

    2. Blood vessels associated with the organ
      • - artery/named.
      • - vein/named.
      • - capillary.

    3. System to be affected if the organ is impaired
      Circulatory system/transport system.
  2. Diseases of the organ
    • - cardiac arrest/heart attack/heart failure
    • - pericarditis/myocarditis/endocarditis
    • - high blood pressure/hypertension/low blood pressure/hypotension
    • - arteriosclerosis/artheriosclerosis.
    • - coronary thrombosis
    1. Habits harmful to the organ
      • - high fat diet/poor nutrition
      • - physical inactivity/sedentary living.
      • - poor rest/poor sleep.
      • - tobacco use/ smoking
      • - alcohol use

    2. Habits beneficial to the organ
      • - physical activeness/exercise.
      • - appropriate nutrition/ balanced diet
      • - good rest/sleep
      • - regular medical check up
      • - abstaining from tobacco use/ smoking
      • - abstaining from alcohol use