History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 5

In what five ways were the Christian missionary activities disadvantageous to the people of Nigeria in the 19th century?


This was a very popular question, well attempted and good marks earned by candidates. The candidates were expected to discuss how the various activities of the missionaries conflicted or was of disadvantage to the people in Nigeria not the positive activities of the missionaries to the life of the people and the societies in which they lived and worked. Candidates were expected to mention the following points in order to get good marks.

(i) The missionary activities discouraged the practice of traditional religion and culture.

(ii) Replacement of traditional names with Christian names

(iii) Nigerian art, music and marriage system were rejected and preached against.

(iv) Narrow education was provided to Nigerians. The curriculum given to schools was designed to suit the basic needs of the missionaries, the trading firms and the colonial administration.

(v) Condemnation of Nigerian way of dressing and the use of English language.