History Paper 2 Aug. /Sept. 2020


    In what five ways can the study of history contribute to the development of any West African State?


This question was popular among the candidates and those who attempted it performed well. It required the candidates to identify five contributions of African history to the development of any West Afrcian state. Most of the candidates understood and answered the question right. Specifically, the candidates were expected to state the following points.


(i)  History helps to give knowledge and understanding about the past.
(ii)  It helps people to emulate the good examples of others.
(iii) It helps people to avoid the mistakes of the past.
(iv) It can also promote patriotism.
(v)  It helps people to analyse problems objectively.
(vi) It helps people to appreciate the achievements of people in the past.
(vii) It can help one understand one’s cultural heritage and take pride in it.
(viii) It can also promote tolerance and respect for other ethnic groups.
(ix)  It can serve as a source of employment.