History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 5

    Outline any five social changes that took place in Nigeria as a result of colonial rule.


This was a popular question and many of the candidates who answered it did not performed very well. They misinterpreted the question and gave wrong answers resulting in low marks. The candidates were expected to give the following points as their answers.


(i)         European type of marriage e.g. monogamy was encouraged and adopted by many Nigerians.
(ii)        Western education was introduced and promoted all over the country.
(iii)       There was a significant development in the health sector with the establishment of health centres and hospitals.
(iv)       Sanitation habits of Nigerians were improved.
(v)        New towns emerged such as Port Harcourt and Enugu while old towns like Lagos, Kano etc were expanded.
(vi)       Social amenities were provided in towns and cities e.g. access roads, water supply, electricity, postal services etc.