History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 8

    Identify any five factors that led to the collapse of the First Republic of Nigeria (1969 to 1966).


This was a good question and was well attempted by most of the candidates. The performance of the candidates who answered it was very good as they understood its demands. The candidates were expected to give the following points as answers to the question.


(i)         Lust for power to control the centre.
(ii)        Ethnic based politics and political parties.
(iii)       The creation of Mid-Western Region in 1963.
(iv)       The 1962- 63 Census crisis.
(v)        The 1963-64 federal election crisis.
(vi)       The regional crisis of the Action Group.
(vii)      Political interference and suppression of the opposition.
(viii)     The Tiv riots of 1964.