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Home Management Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2009  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
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Question 1

      (a)        Explain work time in Home Management

  1. State six guidelines for work simplification in Home Management.


Most candidates did not get the explanation of “work time” right. Some called it time plan while others called it time set aside to achieve goals.

Work simplification was very well answered by many candidates.
The required answers to the questions are as follows:

Explanation of work time

Work time is the time spent on activities within and outside the home, which produce results for self and others or generate income directly or indirectly.
(b)        Guidelines for Work Simplification

  1. Maintain good posture (standing, sitting, and working) good posture affects use of energy;
  2. use  both hands for work where appropriate;
  3. Alternate jobs done sitting down with those done standing up;
  4. Wear clothes that are comfortable and will not interfere with posture and body motions;
  5. Attempt to accomplish several related tasks at a time;
  6. Store frequently used items at the place of first use e.g. (sponge and soap for dish washing should be kept by the sink):
  7. Items should be placed within easy reach.
  8. Use labour – saving devices e.g. tray instead of hands to carry dishes, make use of electric blenders.
  9. Use kitchen ware that are easy to clean
  10. Use correct working height
Be sure there is adequate ventilation and lighting

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