Home Management Paper 2, WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 2


This question requested the candidates to:

  1. state reasons for cooking food. The candidates are to write about why we have to cook food which is  cooking food make it easier  to eat, more palatable, easier to digest, safe to  eat by destroying any harmful micro-organism in the foods  but some of them wrote on why we eat food.
  1.  explain the effect of cooking on protein and carbohydrates. Majority of the candidates have no ideal of the technical names for the changes that occur during cooking the nutrient while others wrote on what protein and carbohydrates do to the body. The correct answers are :-
  2. Protein- it harden and  shrink, it coagulate.
  3. Carbohydrate – the starch grains swell, becomes softer and more digestible.


  1. mention methods of cooking food in water. Few of the candidates did not pay attention to water, so they included frying, roasting wrongly in their answers and they lose marks. They were supposed to give answers as boiling, stewing, steaming and braising.

Therefore the candidates answered part (a & c) correctly while few of them lose marks in (b) parts of the question.