Igbo Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2019

Question 10

Write ten (10) things the Eze Onyekwere exhibited that confirmed that he has followed the Christians as seen in the book Nke M Ji Ka.


Candidates were expected to write ten (10) things the Eze Onyekwere exhibited that confirmed that he has followed the Christians as seen in the book Nke M Ji Ka.

Expected answers:

- Eze Onyekwere chịfusịrị ihe niile o ji chie echichi ọ na-eyi.
- Ọ naghị anabatazi iji mfe kelee ya.
- O kowere obe Kraist n’ụlọ ya.
- Ọ gwara ndị obodo na ya abụrụla onye a gbanwere agbanwe.
- Ọ sị na ya bụzi onye na-agara Kraịst ozi/ O bidoro fewe Chukwu ma jụ chi nke ala ya.
- Ọ sị na aka ya adịghịzi n’emume Ahịajiọkụ/Ọ sị na emume Ahịajiọkụ bụ ihe arụsị.
- Ọ naghị ejizi oche eze ya anọdụ ala/ọdụ.
- O dowere akwụkwọ nsọ Baibụụl n’elu tebụụl.
- O bidoro gbasawa oziọma Kraịst.
- Ndị ụka na-ejupụtazi n’ụlọ ya oge niile/ Ya na ndị ụka bidoro mekọwa ihe.
- E tiri ya mmiri Chukwu, ọ zawazie Brọda Sameelụ.
- Ọ nabatara ndị be ya ọ jụburu ajụ/ụmụejima ya/ Ọ gwara ọha na eze ka ha bịa soro ya nabata ndị be ya.
- Ụjọ atụghị ya maka ihe ndị obodo sị na ha ga-eme ya/ Obi siri ya ike agbanyeghị mkpebi ndị obodo mere banyere ya.