Leather Goods Manufacturing And Repairs Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018


(a) Explain leather stamping.
(b)  Mention any six metal ornaments used for decoration in leather craft.
(c) Explain the reason for considering each of the following factors in determining the location of a leather craft business:
(i) nearness to market;
(ii)  availability of skilled labour.

A lot of candidates attempted this question, majority of whom scored relatively high marks. Most candidates interpreted the demands of the (a) and (b) parts of the question correctly. A good number of candidates also wrote relevant points in the (c) part, although some failed to develop their answers.
Candidates were expected to state thus to score maximum marks in this question.

(a)        Leather stamping involves the use of shaped implements (stamps) to create an imprint on a moistened or cased leather surface often by striking the stamps with a mallet.        
(b)        (i)         Pendants;
(ii)        Zips;
(iii)       Rings;
(iv)       Frames;
(v)        Buckles;
(vi)       Locks ;
(vii)      Rivets;
(viii)     Eyelets;
(ix)       Studs;
(x)        Hinges;
(xi)       Clips;
(xii)      Magnets;
(xiii)     Chains ;
(xiv)     Sliders;
(xv)      Gusset fittings;
(xvi)     Snaps;
(xvii)    Grommets.

(c)        (i)         Nearness to the market:
The business should be sited near the market because, this has great impact on the    profitability of the business. If the market for leather raw materials and products is not      near to the location of the business, the cost of transportation will be high and this will lead to low profit of the business.

(ii)        Availability of skilled labour:
Trained or experienced workers or personnel in leather craft would be needed to operate machines and manage the business profitably. Locating a business where skilled   labourers are abundant ensures that the business achieves a successful outcome.