This question was also reported to have been attempted by majority of the candidates.
Furthermore, the report stated that in part (a), majority of the candidates could not
draw the diagram correctly and this affected their performance significantly. A few
others were unable to apply the trigonometric ratios correctly. Candidates were
expected to draw the diagram.
From the diagram, I FMI :: 120 tan 35° = 84.02m. Therefore the height of the cliff:: 2 x 84.02
= 168.04.
In part (b), the most observed weakness was their inability to convert from minutes to hours.
They were expected to recall that time :: distance (i.e. t:: ~) and apply this to the problem.
speed v
Time taken by faster motorist « ~ while that of the other motorist = ~ where x is the distance
60 80
X x
from P to Q. - - - = Y2 (30 rnlnutes « Y2 hr). Simplifying this expression gave x = 120km.
60 80
Candidates' responses to this question were reported to be generally below average.