Question 3
Using the tank method, outline the steps involved in processing a 35mm black and white film into negatives.
The question required from the candidates the knowledge of the darkroom processing and the ability to present the procedure in a logical order. The candidates’ performance was good. The candidates were expected to write the following points as answers to the question:
- Mix the solutions/ get the chemicals ready
- Adjust their temperature.
- Arrange materials for loading film.
- Put off the room light.
- Remove the film from the cartridge.
- Cut out the film tongue.
- Load film into the reel.
- Put the reel in the tank and cover it.
- Put on the room or safe light.
- Start the timer.
- Pour the developer into the tank through the opening in the tank cover.
- Start agitation.
- Pour out the developer at the expiration of the set time.
- Pour the stop bath into the tank.
- Agitate the stop bath for some time.
- Pour out the stop bath.
- Pour the fixer into the tank.
- Agitate the fixer for the recommended fixing time.
- Pour out the fixer after the set time.
- Open the tank and remove the film.
- Rinse the film in running water for about 30 minutes.
- Hang the film to dry in a dust free place.
- Wipe down gently.
- Cut into strips.
- Store in a cellophane paper or an envelope.