Question 4
Explain in sequence, the steps involved in making contact prints.
This was a straight forward question for the candidates which required from them the knowledge of contact printing. Their performance was not good enough. Candidates were expected to provide the following points:
- assemble the required equipment (enlarger, contact print frames, glass, printing papers) in the darkroom.
- mix all the chemical solutions.
- pour the required chemical into their respective bowls/trays (developer, stop bath/water, fixer, water).
- pour the required chemicals (developer, stop bath/water, fixer, and water) in four different trays/bowls.
- put off light and switch on the safe light.
- identify the emulsion sides of the negatives and paper.
- Set the lens aperture to the largest opening.
For contact frame method:
- Insert one sheet of paper in the contact print frame.
- Place/sandwich the negatives in between the printing paper and a clean
sheet of glass.
- Position it on the base board.
For plain glass method:
- Place one sheet of printing paper on the enlarger board or easel.
- Place the negative on it.
- Place the plain glass over the paper.
- Set the desired time.
- Switch on the enlarger light for exposure.
Development and fixing take the exposed paper to the developer for processing.
(Tray 1).
- remove from the developer with the tong as soon as the image
is satisfactorily formed.
- place the paper in water or stop bath (Tray 2).
- put the paper in the fixer (Tray 3).
- remove the paper from tray 3 with a tong.
- place in running water for about 30minutes (Tray 4).
Drying dry the paper by hanging or using drier.