Photography Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 4




Use Figure 3 to answer the question that follows:

(a)  Identify:
 (i) the name of Figure 3;
(i)  J         
(ii) K

(iii) L        
(iv) M       
(v) N        
(vi) O                    
(vii) P

(Viii) Q

(b) State one function each of parts labelled in Figure 3 above.




This was a question that required the candidates to identify the parts of an enlarger. Their performance was not satisfactory. Candidates were expected to provide the following points:
(a)  (i)        Figure 3-        Enlarger;

(ii)  J   -  supporting column;
(iii) K   -  enlarger head/lamp house head;
(iv) L   -  filter drawer;
(v) M   -  negative carrier;
(vi) N   -  focus control/focusing knob;
(vii)O    - lens;
(viii)P    - baseboard;
(ix) Q   - height/elevation control/adjustment knob.

(b) (i) J   -  It holds the enlarger’s head over the baseboard.
(ii)  K    - Houses the light source and other components.
(iii)  L   - Holds the filters that affect the colour.
(iv) M  -It holds the negative in place.
(v)  N   -   It brings the image projected by the enlarger to
sharpness by adjusting the distance from negative to lens.
(vi)  O  -  Focuses the image from the negative onto the
(vii)  P   - Baseboard supports the enlarger and printing frame
(viii) Q  -It adjusts the image size by moving the enlarger head up or down a track on the supporting column