Photography Paper 3 WASSCE (PC), 2021

Question 1

(a) How many means of transportation are visible in the photograph?
(b) List the types of means of transportation identified in 1(a).
(c) List any ten objectives/things that can be found in the photograph.
(d) Describe two major actions in the photograph.
(e) What is the centre of interest in the photograph?


The question required from the candidates the ability to see clearly and to be able to interpret visually objects/subjects in a photograph. The candidates performed well in this question. Candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question: 

(a)  Five                                                                                  


(b)  -     Bus.
-     Car/vehicle
-     Truck/vehicle.
-     Tricycle.
-     Motorcycle.
-     Truck.

(c)   -  Billboards.
-     Ambulance/Bus.
-     Fabric/cloth.
-     Cup.
-     Shoe.
-     Motorcycle/bike.
-     Tricycle.
-     Revolving/emergency light.
-     Street light/Electric pole.
-     The ground.
-     Vegetation/Trees/Grass
-     Bead.
-     Pairs of glasses.
-     Walking stick.
-     Kerbs.
-     Cap.
-     Head tie.
-     Paper.
-     Truck
-     Stone
-     Ground/Sand

(d)  (i) A man trying to give something with an outstretched hand to a woman seated with a baby.
(ii)  Two male figures, walking along the road, one with a walking stick and being led by another person.
(iii)  Vehicular movement on a road.
(iv) An outstretched hand holding the man giving something to the woman with a baby.

(e) The seated woman with a child and the person trying to give her something as well as the man touching him.