Physical Education 2 , Nov/Dec 2010  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   Main
General Comments

Question 2

(a) Give two reasons why crowd is necessary during sports competition. [2 marks]

(b) State three misconceptions about women involvement in sporting activities.[3 marks]


This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was poor. In part (a) candidates could not correctly give reasons why crowd control is necessary during sports competition. In part (b) many candidates could not also state misconceptions about women involvement in sporting activities.

Expected answers were as follows:
2(a)          Reasons why crowd control is necessary during sports completion
- To maintain orderliness/avoid disruption of the competition
- To prevent destruction of life and property
- To prevent violence/riotlfightinglhooliganism
- For the protection of players and officials/spectators

(b) Misconception about women involvement in sporting activities
- participation in sports increases menstrual flow
- participation in sports makes women aggressive
- Exposure of body parts causes women to be morally loose
- women have weaker bones and muscle hence they are ore prone to injuries
- child bearing is difficult among women athletes
- vigorous activities cause girls to lose virginity much earlier
- participation in physical activities causes womb to lose their feminity
-involvement in sports makes women to develop unnecessary muscles

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