This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was fair. In part (a) many candidates did fairly well while few candidates missed the track by writing sports participated in our street, in open spaces near our houses and competition participated by young people on their own in their areas as intramural while candidates regarded extramural as competition organized outside the street by local governments, states and countries e.g. All African Games, world cup.
The expected answers were as follows:
This is the sports competition organized among pupils of the same school within the four walls of the school.
Examples of Intramural Competition
- Inter- house/hall athletic meet
- Inter class athletic meet games
- Inter house/hall /ball/racket games e.g. basket, volleyball, football, hockey, tennis, badminton
- Inter class/ball racket games e.g. basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, tennis, badminton
- Inter sections/groups competing in different sports e.g. Debating, Red Cross, Brigade/ Boys Scout
This is sports competition organized between schools or clubs.
Examples of Extramural Competition
- Inter collegiate athletic meet
- Inter university games
- Inter school soccer competition
- Principal’s cup competition
- salivary gland
- stomach
- small intestine
- pancrease
- liver