Visual Art Paper 3B (Creative Design) Aug./Sept. 2018

Question 2

Using calligraphy, write the following quotation to be placed on the wall of the Counselling Unit of your place of worship:


Throughout life, people will make you mad,
Disrespect you and treat you bad.
Let GOD deal with the things they do,

‘cause hate in your heart,
will consume you too.
                           Will Smith.

Colours: Not more than three.
Size:    40cm by 30cm.


The candidates attempted the question in their own capability. The performance was commendable as the candidates wrote in a stylish way as required in the question. They were expected to respond to the question thus:

A. LAYOUT      


(i) Create appropriate spacing for words and lines of the quotation.                            
(ii) Choice of suitable typeface.                                                                                      


(i) Suitable arrangement of all elements in the calligraphy.                                          
(ii) Effective use of space to size specification.    



  1. Proper execution of lettering with emphasis on word and line spacing.
  2. Ability to render decorative and attractive text.
  3. Should be bold and clear. 
  4. Should use materials and instruments effectively.


C. COLOUR                 

(i)  Should harmonize and contrast.   

(ii)  Successful mixing, application and distribution to specification. 




(i)  Ability to produce effective calligraphy.                                                                   

(ii)  Relevance of the design.                                                                                    

E.  ORIGINALITY                               

    (i)  Evidence of individual creativity and personalized style.