Animal Husbandry Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 2

(a)        (i)         Name two external parts of the body of specimen E.                        [2 marks]
        (ii)        State five benefits which could be derived from rearing specimen E.
                                                                                                                                [5 marks]
        (iii)       Name three pests which could attack specimen E.                           [3 marks]
(b)        (i)         State three uses of specimen F on an animal farm.                           [3 marks]
            (ii)        Give two disadvantages of using specimen F on an animal farm.     [2 marks]



This question was fairly attempted by the candidates although many candidates could not mention up to five benefits derived from rearing land snail as well as the pests that attack it. Many candidates lost marks because they listed substances that hinder the movement of land snail like common salt, hot water e.t.c.

The expected answers include:

2.  (a)   (i)         External parts of the body of specimen E (Land snail)
-           Tentacles/antennae                              -           Head
-           Muscular foot                                     -           Eyes
-           Genital pore                                        -           Shell
-           Respiratory pore/pneumostome          -           Mouth
            (ii)        Benefits which could be derived from rearing specimen E (Land snail)

                        -           Source of income                    -         Source of foreign exchange
-           Means of employment                        -         Source of protein / food
-           Shell used as livestock feed   -         Shell for liming                                                             -           For medicinal purposes           -         For research purposes                                                   -            For cosmetic products            -         Raw material for ornament/decoration

(iii)       Pests which could attack specimen E (Land snail)
-           Soldier ants                             -           Poultry
-           Rodents                                   -           Amphibians/frogs/toads
-           Blow fly                                  -           Beetles
-           Dog                                         -           Termites
-           Reptiles/lizards/snakes/monitor lizards
(b)       (i)         Uses of specimen F (Bamboo) on an animal farm
-           As feeders                               -           As drinkers
-           For poles/pegging                    -           For constructing ladder
-           For flooring/slatted floor        -           Fencing/paddocking/gates
-           For construction of animal houses/barns/cages

(ii)        Disadvantages of using specimen F (Bamboo) on an animal farm
-           Susceptible to termite attack
-           Harbours pests
-           Sharp edges can injure animals/farmers
-           Does not last long

(c)        (i)         Precautions taken when using specimen F (razor blade) for castration
-           Use hand gloves to prevent transmission of zoonotic diseases
-           Ensure proper restraining of the animal
-           Blade must be sterilized to prevent infection
-           Blade should be sharp
-           Castration should be done by a skillful person/proper handling of razor
blade/ proper cutting of cord to reduce blood loss

(ii)        Disadvantages of using specimen F (razor blade) for carrying out castration in
-           There is blood loss
-           Risk of infection of animal/blood contamination
-           Risk of transfer of zoonotic disease to farmer
-           Maybe painful to animal/stressful
-           Death could occur due to loss of blood
-           Wound may not heal on time/creates wounds
-           Takes a longer time to make a cut

(d)      Tools that could be used for carrying out castration in place of specimen F (razor blade)
-           Burdizzo                                 -           Elastrator/rubber ring/rubber band
-           Emasculator                            -           Scalpel
-           Knife