Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 4


  1. (a)  Explain the term land tenure system.                                                (2 marks)
    (b)  Define the term weed.         (2 marks)
    (c)  Discuss groundnut rosette disease under the following headings:        
    (i)  causal organism;
    (ii) mode of transmission;
    (iii) two symptoms;
    (iv) two control measures.                                         (6 marks)
    (d)  State four characteristics of each of the following factors of production:
    (i)  land
    (ii)capital                              (8 marks)


  1. Question 4(a) and (b) was popular among many candidates but responses on the discussion of groundnut rosette disease was poor.

The expected answers include:
4. (a)  Explanation of land tenure system 
It refers to the system of land ownership/acquisition by individuals or groups for
temporary or permanent use.                     
(b)  Definition of weed

A weed is any plant found growing in a place where it is not wanted/desired

(c )  Discussion of groundnut rosette disease
(i)  Causal organism
   (ii)  Mode of transmission
-  By insect vector called aphid                                                                         

   (iii)  Symptoms
-  Stunted growth
-  Leaves turn yellow with mosaic form of mottling
-  Leaves become closely packed and curled                                                                                                                        
  (iv)  Control
  -  Early planting
-  Plant resistant varieties
-  Uproot and burn infected plants
-  Use insecticide to kill aphids
-  Practise close spacing

(d)   Characteristics of factors of production
(i)  Land
-  Immobile/fixed in supply
-  Subject to the law of diminishing returns
-  Its reward is rent
-  It is a fixed asset
-  Its value is based on its location
-  Its unit is acres/hectares
-  It is a free gift of nature
-  It is heterogeneous in nature
-  It appreciates/depreciates over time

(ii)  Capital
-  It takes different forms e.g. machinery, agro-chemicals
-  It can depreciate/appreciate over time
-  It could be fixed or working capital
-  The reward of capital is interest
-  It is man-made and is accumulated over time
-  It can be used to acquire other factors e.g. land and labour