Agricultural Science Paper 3, Nov/Dec 2012  
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Question 3


  1. Name the crops from which the storage organs C and D are obtained    [2 marks]
  2. Name the parts labelled I, II, and III.                                                      [3 marks]
  3. What type of storage organ does each crop have?                                   [2 marks]
  4. Name two field pests that damage the crop from which the storage

      organ C is obtained                                                                                   [2 marks]

  1. Mention two main causes of storage losses of the storage organ D.        [2 marks]
  2. Mention two materials used in propagating the crop from

       which D is obtained.                                                                                [2 marks]

  1. Explain the term double harvesting in relation to the crop from             
which D is obtained.                                                         

This question was well attempted by the candidates.  Majority of the candidates were able to name the crops from which the storage organs C(Cassava) and D(Yam) are obtained as required in 3(a).  Also, majority of them could name the parts labelled I, II and III as required in 3(b).  However, most of the candidates were unable to state what type of storage organs each of the crop has as required in 3 (c).  Majority of the candidates could name two field pests that damage the crop from which storage organ C(Cassava) is obtained but most of them could not mention two main causes of storage losses of the storage organ D(Yam) as required in 3(d) and 3(e) respectively.  Further to this, majority of the candidates were able to mention two materials used in propagating the crop from which D(Yam) is obtained but most of them were unable to explain the term double harvesting in relation to the crop from which D(Yam) is obtained as required in 3(f) and 3(g) respectively.
The expected answers include:
3 (c)Type  of storage organ of each crop
      C: Root tuber
      D: Stem tuber
 (e)Main Causes of Storage losses of the storage organ D (Yam)
-   Strong rays of the sun
-   Decay
-   High rate of respiration/loss of moisture- sprouting/high humidity/mouldiness
      -   Attack by eelworms
-   Attack by yam beetles
-   Attack by rodents

 (g) Explanation of the term double harvesting in relation to the crop from which D is obtained
This entails cutting off the tuber from the head, digging it out.  The cut head is reburied to produce seed which is later harvested.  This is done when the plant is still green.                                                                                        

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